Product Analysis: Comparing Products (20 product types) (digital classroom resource)
Designed for use in schools
This is a digital download resource.
This resource is designed for use in schools. It consists of 20 product analysis slide handouts that can be used in a range of different ways e.g. classroom or homework activity, for recall activities or to introduce learning, discussion prompts, note taking structure, low stakes test, as part of a display, or in any other way that supports learning.
This resource focuses on comparing a range of similar product types. Notes under each slide give information on what the products are. Analysing existing products helps show learning in a real-life context. It also introduces products outside of an individual’s experience and provides inspiration for design and make activities.
Slides have images of at least 2 products showing different views. There is also a basic writing frame to provide thinking prompts when doing the product analysis activity. The basic writing frame includes keywords and 6 ‘thinking’ logos which act as quick visual thinking prompts. The logos are based on our approach to teaching and learning with a metacognitive focus. Each logo indicates a different thinking challenge in a way that is accessible to all. There is no hierarchy to the logos and no right or wrong way in how they are interpreted and used.
Other product analysis resources are also available with more structured writing frames.
The download is a PowerPoint resource and PowerPoint is needed to be able to read & edit the document. Note that although the PowerPoint itself can be edited the image can only be edited in a limited way. The large file size may not be suitable for downloading to some mobile devices.
File is for personal use & can't be used, reproduced or sold commercially.
Product Analysis: Comparing Products (20 product types) (digit
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- It's essential the resource is downloaded within 30 days of purchase.